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Hope and Change for Haiti organizes a fundraiser for Marie Michaelle Saintil, a community activist, who is living in Rhode Island with stage 4 Metastasized breast cancer.


3 years ago Marie Michaelle was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in one breast. She had surgery and removed the cancer and the entire left breast. A year later it spread to her liver. She started chemo therapy and it was causing more harm to her body and the tumors were not shrinking. A year from that the cancer spread to both her brain and spine. She had radiation and it didn’t work. Today Marie Michaelle is living with Stage 4 Metastasized breast cancer.


 She is now under hospice care and is no longer under treatment. A lot of the cancer lies in her central nervous system and as of today there is under 20% research out there for this and there are no current treatments available.


Marie Michaelle is only 41 years old. She is a Haitian born Spoken Word Artist, a Poet, a Performer, and authored 2 books of poetry. She was working as a bartender to pay her bills. Her physical conditions, mostly side effects from the medications, kept her from being able to work. Now she is writing, performing and telling her story so you can understand.


We believe in community! Come help us support a great local nonprofit raising a cocktail. For every drink sold during this event, $5 goes directly to their good work.

This RI non-profit invests in community development with a focus on water, housing, and education in rural Haiti. Their programs advocate for women and immigrants' rights, promote cultural awareness, develop micro-finance opportunities, and build hurricane resistant homes and water systems.

Rhode Island Spirit hosts Fundraiser for Hope & Change for Haiti  

October 10, 2019 ~ 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Address: 59 Blackstone Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860

Tickets on Sale on Eventbrite HERE. Please contact us at if you can sponsor this event, or purchase a table of 10. Our 1st Annual "Engage for Change" Gala last year were sold out one month prior to the event date.

CHELO’S in Cranston is hosting two days fundraiser to benefit Hope and Change for Haiti on May 27th & 30th, 2019. 

Take your family and your friends out for dinner, on Monday, May 27th or Thursday, May 30th from 11:00 am to 11:00pm and Hope and Change for Haiti will receive 15% of your purchase. Please print and bring this coupon with you. 

fundraiser at chelos.jpg

April 5-6, 2019 in Paillant - Haiti

Workshop on Entrepreneurship


Our Local Team in Haiti, in partnership with local authority and other local organizations organized a 2-days (April 5-6, 2019) workshop on Entrepreneurship and the used of industrial chemistry in the production of items made locally such as soap, detergents, perfume, peanut butter, natural juice, jelly, vinegar vanilla, jam, bread, cassava, well as on methods of assembly. Over 180 people mostly women are expected to attend this training. Participants will benefit continuing assistance to help them to develop and grow their business, and to accompany them in the search of a diverse market for their products.

L'equipe de Hope and Change for Haiti a Paillant - Haiti en partenariat avec les authorites locales et d'autres organizations local organisent un seminaire de formation de 2 jours sur l'entreprenariat et l'utilisation de la chimie industrielle dans la realisation des produits locaux tels que: savon, Mistoline, savon liquide, parfum, mamba, jus naturel, confiture, essence vanille, pain, cassave. Les participants apprendront egalement des techniques d'emballage pour mieux organiser et presenter leurs produits. A travers ce seminaire de formation nous voulons supporter et promoter la production locale et accompagner les entrepreneurs locaux a mieux se preparer pour lancer leurs produits sur le marche national.


Facebook event page:

March 17th, 2019

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In Partnership with RI Haitian Community Center/HAPPARI , Hope and Change For Haiti is hosting an event to bring the rhythms of traditional Haitian music to Rhode Island. This event is a one day workshop about Haitian Drum teaching to benefit the Rhode Island community. Haitian Master Drummer Leon Mackendie from Jean Appolon Expressions (in Cambridge MA) is the facilitator of this workshop.


This event will be an opportunity to teach the youth in the Haitian community and other communities about the fundamentals, rituals, and history of the Haitian drums. Considered as a sacred musical instrument in the Haitian culture, drums sounds have played a significant role in the slaves’ strategic battle to defeat the great Napoleon’s army of France to set Haiti as the first Black Country independent in the world in January 1st, 1804. While this workshop is designed to welcome participants that have no prior drums skills, it also suitable to advanced drummers. As a trainer, Mr. Mackendie will cover a variety of drumming techniques, patterns, and sounds genres with the participants so they can learn to drum.

It is a free event, but you are required to register upfront. Click HERE to register:

March 8th, 2019


International Women's Day 2019 #BalanceForBetterWomenHealth. Hope and Change For Haiti in Partnership with RI NOW (RI National Organization for Women), Planned Parenthood Votes! Rhode Island, The Woman Project HQ and The Collective invite you all to come along and celebrate the International Women's Day. Speakers will address women issues and share testimonies under the theme #BalanceForBetterWomenHealth.

Please join us on Friday, March 8th 2019 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm at the Rhode Island State House.

Click to register for this event:   TICKETS

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