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Promoting Cultural Awareness

Haiti is best known for its unique history, the bravery  and the pride of its citizens. Haiti is also known very well for the richness of its culture that includes arts, musics, literature, languages, religions, customs, and traditions.

Hope and Change for Haiti promote a clear understanding of the Haitian culture through a variety of cultural events in Rhode Island. We share with the community the beauty of our diverse culture. 

Recent Cultural Events

In Partnership with RI Haitian Community Center/HAPPARI , Hope and Change For Haiti hosted an event to bring the rhythms of traditional Haitian music to Rhode Island. This event was a one-day workshop about Haitian Drum teaching to benefit the Rhode Island community. Haitian Master Drummer Leon Mackendie from Jean Appolon Expressions (in Cambridge MA) was the facilitator of this workshop. This event was an opportunity to teach the youth in the Haitian community and other communities about the fundamentals, rituals, and history of the Haitian drums. Considered as a sacred musical instrument in the Haitian culture, drums sounds have played a significant role in the slaves’ strategic battle to defeat the great Napoleon’s army of France to set Haiti as the first Black Country independent in the world in January 1st, 1804. While this workshop was designed to welcome participants that have no prior drums skills, it also suitable to advanced drummers. As a trainer, Mr. Mackendie  covered a variety of drumming techniques, patterns, and sounds genres with the participants so they could learn to drum.


© 2019 by Hope & Change for Haiti


Municipality of Paillant

Department of Nippes, Haiti

About Paillant

Located in the Nippes department of Haiti, the municipality of Paillant has about 20,000 inhabitants who live on a surface area of 28.34 square miles (73.4 square kilometer) and a perimeter of 34.49 mi. The distance between Port-au-prince (the capitol of the country) and Paillant is approximately 71 miles (114.4 kilometers), and the weather averages 80° Fahrenheit (26.67° Celsius). Paillant’s geographical coordinates are 18° 25’ 0” North, 73° 9’ 0” West. Paillant contains many villages such as Jeannette, Desmarais, Bequin, George, Lebrun, Mussotte, Salagnac, Bezin, Corail, Viau, Carrefour Dent, Desmarhots,… It is a municipality that suffers of many social, economic, sanitary and educational issues. Indeed, that population is not exempt of problem related to the entire country which is poverty that includes lack of education, healthcare, road infrastructure, and jobs; inaccessibility to water, and electricity; anarchical construction; rudimentary technics for farming; absence of law enforcement, and bank. The economy relies exclusively on agriculture, livestock, and small commerce. Average family size is 7 members. Beside of all its problem of poverty, Paillant is such a beautiful place with a great potentiality of development, and a wonderful climate. The level of hospitality of its citizens are outstanding. If you want to discover what Paillant has to offer and you want to help us to develop sustainable projects there, please reach out to us by email or telephone or leave us a message on this website. Thank you!

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